Frequently Asked CFI Certification Questions

How long has CFI been around? •The Certified Forensic Interviewer designation began in 2004.
Do I need to take the WZ 2-Day Interview & Interrogation class before I become a Certified Forensic Interviewer? •You do not need to take the WZ 2-Day Interview & Interrogation seminar before you become a CFI, but if you are just starting your career in the Interview and Interrogation field it is recommended to attend. However, the CFI designation includes multiple techniques, not just the WZ method.
How many individuals are CFIs? •As of March 2020, there are 2000+ total CFI® members throughout the world.
Am I eligible to become a CFI? •See eligibility requirement here
How can I study for the exam? •See exam study options here.
Where do I go to get the CFI Online Prep Course materials? •See exam study options here.
How much does the CFI Online Prep Course cost? •$495 (10% discount for Active Military or IAI Members)
How much does the CFI 2-day Prep Seminar cost? •Depends when the individual registers. $365-$410 USD
What happens once I purchase the CFI Online Prep Course? •You will receive an email confirmation with an authorization number to access the CFI Online Prep Course.
How long does it usually take someone to complete the CFI Online Prep Course? •The study process will take approximately 20-40 hours to complete. It has been approved by numerous groups for 20 CEUs. If you need proof of the CEUs, please contact Emily Kuhn to get a certificate of completion.
I’ve purchased the CFI Online Prep Course, how do I access it? •Go to Where it says, “Have an Authorization Key”, Click “Continue” and enter the Authorization Key you received from the registration clerk. Please do not copy and paste or you will receive an error. Once your registration is complete, you will be prompted to sign in and begin the course.
Navigating the CFI Prep Online Program
Log in using the Username and Password you created. Study each of the 15 review sections, taking review tests as you complete each section. After you finish a section you can either move on to the next or go back and study more to retake the section review test. Review each section as many times as needed until you feel comfortable with the material. We recommend that you have the ability to score 90% on each module before moving on to the final review exam.
Do I need to take the CFI Online Prep Course before the exam? •No, it is not mandatory to take the CFI Online Prep Course before the exam but it is recommended.
Where do I send my CFI Exam Application? •No more mailing! Everything will done online. Apply here!
How do I schedule the exam? •Click here to register for the exam
How much does the exam cost? •$395.00 USD Exam Fee •$220.00 USD Re-Exam Fee
What score do I need to pass the exam? •To pass the exam you need to get 69.5% (97 questions) correct on the exam.
What is the Test Anxiety Self-Appraisal? As a member benefit, you can have access to a self-appraisal strategy to gain some insight into whether exam stress and anxiety are concerns that can interfere with your performance on the CFI exam. This type of feedback is provided in the personalized competency profile report offered after completing the TMI assessment.
How much does it cost to get a replacement certificate? •$15.00
How much does it cost to get a replacement coin? •$30.00
What are the recertification requirements and related costs? •$150 every 3 years along with 24 hours of continuing education credits
What Continuing Education Credits count towards recertification? •More on recertification
What if my CFI certification expires? Can I reinstate it? •Your certification can only be reinstated by reapplying and then retaking the examination as you did when you first applied to become a CFI. Please contact Emily Kuhn should you decide to reapply and she will make sure you will be able to use your CFI Online Prep Course. You will also be able to retake the CFI exam at the reduced re-examination rate of only $220.
What is the difference between a CFE Certification and a CFI Certification? •A Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) is an individual who deals with investigations regarding fraudulent activity. A person who has a CFI® certification is the one in conversation with those who are suspected of committing a fraudulent activity.
What is the difference between WZ and IAI? •Wicklander-Zulawski & Associates (WZ) is a consulting and training organization dedicated to assisting professionals who are responsible for obtaining the truth. WZ supports law enforcement agencies, private sector investigators, human resource professionals, federal agencies and military units across the globe. To this end WZ instructs our partners in multiple legally-acceptable interview and interrogation techniques that are consistently updated in response to changing moral, legal and ethical standards. International Association of Interviewers (IAI) provides standards and principles for comprehensive investigative interviewing in both the private and public sector. The Certified Forensic Interviewer (CFI) designation, issued by International Association of Interviewers (IAI), indicates the certificate holder possesses the knowledge necessary to pass IAI’s rigorous examination. This designation does not guarantee the interviewing or interrogation skills, or performance of any certificate holder. IAI hereby disclaims all liability to third parties in connection with the actual field performance of a certificate holder.
What is the difference between WZ Certified and CFI? •“Wicklander Certified” or “WZ Certified” is a name the industry has attached to attending a WZ 2-day seminar. There is no “WZ Certified”, unless your company has labeled your attendance at the WZ 2-Day Interview & Interrogation Seminar as such. The Certified Forensic Interviewer (CFI) examination and designation is administered by International Association of Interviewers. The CFI designation is a certification obtained by taking an extensive examination requiring the candidate to prove his or her knowledge of fifteen essential areas relating to interview and interrogation and covering a variety of different interview and interrogation approaches.